image containing the logo of Hyslip Legal, LLC

Misled About Your Debt?

We Sue Debt Settlement Companies

When handled correctly, debt settlement is a meaningful option to get your finances back on track. The problem is that sometimes settlement companies over promise and over simplify the process in a deceptive manner.

  • Hire a debt settlement company and now in a worse position?
  • Hire a debt setllement company and end up getting sued and ignored?
  • Did a debt settlement company take your money and run?

If you’ve hired a debt settlement company and regret it, contact us TODAY!

Click Here for a Free Consultation

Debt Settlement Shouldn’t Be Painful

If you hired a debt settlement company and the results are NOT what you were promised, there is a chance that you’ve been scammed. While there are legitimate debt settlement companies and debt settlement law firms, sometimes mistakes happen. In other instances, it is possible that the company you hired systamatically misrepresents their processes, procedure and likelihood of success.

If you’ve hired a debt settlement company and are curious if you’ve been scammed, contact us today. Our lawyers have been suing debt settlement companies for over a decade. We’ll review your accounts, the documents you signed, and the promises provided to determine if YOU are ENTITLED to a FULL REFUND. If so, you’ll never pay us a dime out of your pocket (the companies we sue pay us, not you).

Get piece of mind to know if you’ve been scammed. Our attorneys are standing by to getting you fairly compensated for falling victim to debt settlement misrepresentations and scams.


What Our Clients Say About Us

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Your One Stop Financial Consumer Protection Law Firm


Debt Collectors Hate Us! If debt collectors are treating you unfairly or harassing you – we can sue them (at no cost to you) and get you CASH IF HARASSED!


It is illegal for companies to report inaccurate information on your credit. If you have credit reporting errors – YOU MIGHT BE ENTITLED TO CASH!


If you have been treated unfairly or discriminated against by your employer – our experienced employment lawyers will fight to get you MAXIMUM COMPENSATION!


If you’ve hired a Credit Repair Company, you’re in luck! If you’ve been scammed, we’ll be in your corner. Credit Repair Beware – We’ll fight for MAXIMUM COMPENSATION!

Text or call (614) 362-3322 for immediate assistance or complete a Free Case Evaluation form.


Your Debt Settlement Questions Answered

What is debt settlement?

Debt settlement is a process of negotiating with creditors to reduce the amount you owe on your debts. This can be a good option for people who are struggling to make their monthly payments or who are facing financial hardship and want to avoid bankruptcy.

How do I know if the company I hired is a debt settlement scammer?

There are a number of red flags to watch out for when considering a debt settlement company. These include companies that charge upfront fees, guarantee results that seem too good to be true, or pressure you to make a decision quickly. It is also important to work with an attorney who is familiar with the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) to review your options.

What are the benefits of doing debt settlement over bankruptcy?

We’re, generally, a fan of debt settlement if the representation is well crafted. We view bankruptcy as the “nuclear option” but because of the limitations on filling bankruptcy, sometimes it is best to wait to file bankruptcy and try debt settlement first.

What services do you offer for debt settlement?

None. Our services are limited to going after companies that provide debt settlement services. We don’t do any debt settlement, debt negotiation or debt adjusting work.

What questions I could ask a debt settlement company?

There are many questions you could ask a debt settlement company to get more information and/or to help determine if they are being transparent with you. For example:
1. Are there any creditors of mine that are more difficult than others to settle?
2. In the last 30 days, what is the average settlement you’ve had with [lender name]?
3. Does that include your fees?
4. How are the amount of fees you are charging determined?
5. What happens if a creditor refuses to work with you?
6. What happens if I get sued? Will I be represented in Court?
7. What percentage of clients do you enroll that end up still needing to file bankruptcy?

Text or call (614) 362-3322 for immediate assistance or complete a Free Case Evaluation form.